TLDR AI 2024-04-26

Snowflake Arctic ❄️, Nvidia acquires Run:ai 💰, fine-tune Llama 3 3️⃣

Headlines & Launches

Apple Acquires French AI Company Specializing in On-Device Processing (3 minute read)

Apple has acquired Paris-based artificial intelligence startup Datakalab amid its push to deliver on-device AI tools. Datakalab specializes in algorithm compression and embedded AI systems.

Snowflake Arctic - LLM for Enterprise AI (11 minute read)

The Snowflake AI Research Team has introduced Snowflake Arctic, an enterprise-grade LLM that delivers top-tier performance in SQL generation, coding, and instruction-following benchmarks at a fraction of traditional costs. Arctic leverages a unique architecture and an open-source approach, making advanced LLM capabilities accessible to a wider audience. The model is available on Hugging Face and will be integrated into various platforms and services.

Nvidia acquires AI workload management startup Run:ai for $700M (3 minute read)

Nvidia is acquiring AI infrastructure optimization firm Run:ai for approximately $700 million to enhance its DGX Cloud AI platform, allowing customers improved management of their AI workloads. The acquisition will support complex AI deployments across multiple data center locations. Run:ai had previous VC investments and a broad customer base, including Fortune 500 companies.
Research & Innovation

Vulnerability Detection with Graph Neural Networks (18 minute read)

CFExplainer is a new tool that improves how AI models, specifically Graph Neural Networks, understand and identify security vulnerabilities in software.

Adapting Predictive Models to Changes (17 minute read)

Weighted CPS (WCPS) is an extension of Conformal Predictive Systems that adapts to changes in data environments, specifically covariate shifts.

SigLIP and Llama3 based multimodal model (6 minute read)

The Bunny series of multimodal models are a powerful set of open models that perform well for their size on the MMMU benchmark. This is the team's first open release of models based on Llama3 8B.
Engineering & Resources

Video Inpainting with Redundancy-Aware Techniques (GitHub Repo)

Researchers have introduced a novel dataset and method for improving wire removal in videos, a common visual effect challenge in films and TV shows.

Enhanced Autonomous Driving (GitHub Repo)

MIM4D is a new approach that enhances visual representation learning in autonomous driving by using dual masked image modeling to capture both spatial and temporal details from multi-view videos.

Neural Architecture Search with GNN Predictors (11 minute read)

Innovative work in Neural Architecture Search (NAS) introduces a Graph Neural Network (GNN) predictor that enhances the efficiency of identifying optimal neural network configurations for specific tasks.

Should Apple Kill Siri and Start Over? (7 minute read)

Despite incremental updates to Apple's Siri since its 2011 launch, the voice assistant lags behind its rivals, leading to calls for a major overhaul or replacement. Persistent issues with Siri's functionality have degraded its reputation, with user frustrations mounting over its poor contextual understanding.

Drake Uses AI Tupac and Snoop Dogg Vocals (3 minute read)

Drake's new song "Taylor Made Freestyle" features AI-generated vocals of Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg aimed at Kendrick Lamar amidst their ongoing hip-hop feud. The song's AI manipulation prompts speculation about the technology's role in shaping the diss exchange in the hip-hop community.

Why reliable AI requires a paradigm shift (12 minute read)

AI hallucinations, when AI models generate plausible but incorrect outputs, pose a significant challenge and cannot be fully solved with current technologies. These issues stem from the fundamental design of generative AI, which relies on recognizing patterns in data but lacks an understanding of truth, leading to random occurrences of misleading information.
Quick Links

Sonnet AI (Product)

Meetings notes and CRM, automated. Sonnet records calls, takes notes, and manages relationships.

Fine-tune Llama3 with unsloth (5 minute read)

6x long context length with dramatically less VRAM usage than HF with flash attention.

Anthropic prompt library (Product)

This site allows users to submit and explore optimized prompts for a breadth of tasks.
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