TLDR DevOps 2024-04-15

OpenTofu Code-Stealing Accusations 🥷,From DynamoDB to LedgerStore ▶️, Reduce Your Cloud Bill 💰

News & Trends

OpenTofu Denies HashiCorp's Code-Stealing Accusations (3 minute read)

Last week, HashiCorp accused the OpenTofu project of using its newly BSL licensed code in Terraform without permission. OpenTofu has since responded, denying the claims brought up by HashiCorp.

Argo CD v2.11 Release Candidate (5 minute read)

The Argo CD v2.11 Release Candidate introduces enhancements such as showing the initiator of sync processes in the history UI and improved monorepo support by selectively syncing necessary files, addressing user feedback for better visibility and performance. It also introduces multi-source application support and the ability to shard clusters based on application information, offering greater flexibility and efficiency for diverse deployment needs.

Docker Desktop 4.29: Docker Socket Mount Permissions in ECI, Advanced Error Management, Moby 26, and New Beta Features (5 minute read)

The release of Docker Desktop 4.29 improves security, enhances error handling efficiency, and optimizes the development workflow. Some features include Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) coupled with Docker socket mount permissions, the introduction of Moby 26 within Docker Desktop, and Docker Compose enhancements via synchronized file shares (reaching beta release).
Opinions & Tutorials

Kubernetes secrets management with HCP Vault Secrets (4 minute read)

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) to fetch dynamic secrets from HCP Vault Secrets and write them into Kubernetes Secrets for other resources. It uses Terraform to manage secrets in HCP Vault Secrets, deploys VSO to Kubernetes, and synchronizes a secret for Argo CD to establish a private repository, streamlining access to secrets via native Kubernetes Secrets without direct refactoring of applications.

Migrating a Trillion Entries of Uber's Ledger Data from DynamoDB to LedgerStore (10 minute read)

This article provides an in-depth look into Uber's data migration process, detailing how the company successfully migrated trillions of business-critical ledger data entries to its custom-built LedgerStore without causing disruption or downtime.

Amazon Route 53 adds support for 18 additional Top-Level Domains (1 minute read)

Amazon has announced support for 18 additional Top-Level Domains in its Route 53 service: .beer, .bid, .bio, .christmas, .contact, .design, .fan, .fun, .law, .llc, .ltd, .pw, .shopping, .ski, .software, .stream, .vote and .work.
Quick Links

How Telemetry Saved My Open-Source Platform (5 minute read)

The Cyclops team shares their journey of improving user experience and engagement, highlighting the power of telemetry, user feedback, and iterative design in enhancing their open-source Kubernetes platform.

Karpenter: An Opportunity to Reduce your Cloud Bill (4 minute read)

Using Karpenter for Kubernetes autoscaling can result in significant cost savings and improved efficiency in managing cloud resources.

Making ijq Fast (6 minute read)

By optimizing the software's background processing and output mechanisms, ijq now runs efficiently and smoothly, improving the overall user experience.
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