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Everything announced at Apple's Let Loose iPad event (6 minute read)

Everything announced at Apple's Let Loose iPad event (6 minute read)

Apple's Let Loose showcase was all about the iPad. The next iPad Pro will be powered by an M4 chip. It will use a new display tech called Tandem OLED, which layers two OLED panels on top of each other to provide richer colors and deeper blacks. The iPad Air is now available in 11 inches and 13 inches. The Apple Pencil Pro features a new squeeze gesture and supports rotation. The new Magic Keyboard, which is only compatible with the iPad Pro, features a larger trackpad with haptic feedback as well as a row of function keys.
How refactoring almost ruined my marriage (6 minute read)
May 08 | Webdev

How refactoring almost ruined my marriage (6 minute read)

Developers often feel the urge to rewrite code they perceive as messy, even if it's their own relatively recent work. This is because reading code is inherently harder than writing it. However, code that works and has been in production for a long time is often more stable and robust than developers realize.
GitHub Actions: Commit and Push Changes Back to Repository (5 minute read)
May 08 | DevOps

GitHub Actions: Commit and Push Changes Back to Repository (5 minute read)

This article provides a guide on setting up a GitHub Actions workflow to enable the automatic committing of file changes back to the GitHub repository where the workflow is a part of.
Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims (8 minute read)
May 08 | Infosec

Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims (8 minute read)

VPNs may not provide complete protection against snooping when connecting from untrusted networks. Attackers on the same network can abuse the DHCP protocol to force a target's traffic off the VPN tunnel without triggering alerts. By running a rogue DHCP server and manipulating gateway settings, attackers can snoop on the target's traffic while passing it through to the legitimate gateway, bypassing the VPN's encryption.

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