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The End of Social Media: An Interview With Jack Dorsey (32 minute read)

The End of Social Media: An Interview With Jack Dorsey (32 minute read)

This interview with Jack Dorsey discusses his exit from Bluesky, how Twitter lost its way, Dorsey's strategy for ending censorship forever, Elon Musk, and the death of social media as we know it.
Why React Re-Renders (17 minute read)
May 10 | Webdev

Why React Re-Renders (17 minute read)

Many developers work professionally with React for years without understanding how its re-rendering process works. This tutorial helps readers build a mental model for when and why React re-renders and how to tell why a specific component re-rendered. Knowing how React's render cycle works can help developers understand when to use React.memo and when to wrap functions in useCallback.
Dell warns of data breach, 49 million customers allegedly affected (2 minute read)
May 10 | Infosec

Dell warns of data breach, 49 million customers allegedly affected (2 minute read)

Dell has warned customers of a data breach affecting 49 million people. The stolen information includes customer names, addresses, and purchase details, but not financial data. Customers should be cautious of potential targeted attacks and verify communications from Dell directly.
ElevenLabs Previews Music-Generating AI Model (3 minute read)
May 10 | AI

ElevenLabs Previews Music-Generating AI Model (3 minute read)

Voice AI startup ElevenLabs is previewing a new model that converts prompts into song lyrics. The company is using a promotional strategy similar to the one OpenAI used for Sora AI.

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